Friday, November 16, 2012

What Are Adverbial Clauses And How To Use Indirect Suggestion Patterns To Create More Influence and Sales…

While you get ready to master the principles of influence, you’ll discover that there are several ways of getting people to make a decision. Here are two different ways you’ll find useful as you get others to take the action you want:

What Are Adverbial Clauses Direct Suggestion – Using Direct Commands:

A direct command is the most commonly used kind of call to action. In my opinion, you probably don’t use them enough in your marketing, and if you did, you would immediately get better results. Now, here are some examples:
As you’re reading this blog post, you’ll notice on the right side of the page – a convenient place to put your name and email address. Go ahead and put your name and email in the form, hit the button that says ‘Get Instant Access’ and watch the video that appears on the next page. As you do, make a mental note of how many times I command you to join, and how it creates the desire to buy now.

Go ahead, and put your name and email in the form on the right side of this blog post. After you do that, hit the button – the blue one, that says ‘Get Instant Access’ – you’ll immediately get instant access to a video that has done nearly $20 million in product sales in the last 12 months. That video will unlock the secret to creating the money that you want. Go ahead, and put your name and email in the form – and hit the button now.

Here is a video that contains a massive amount of direct suggestions – watch it now, make notes of how many direct commands I make, and tell me in the comments below this post. Here’s the video:

After you watch the video, you’ll find yourself having the desire to put your name and email in the form below this blog post, and you may even want to pull out a pen, and a piece of paper, and take notes on what you’re about to learn. You may even find yourself having the desire to buy, and that’s ok – you can do that now, at the end of the video.

Indirect Suggestion Patterns – How To Use An Adverbial Clause Call To Action.

There are about 1,000 techniques that I’ve learned, and come up with to use indirect suggestion in my marketing. The difference between direct, and indirect suggestion is that people don’t always accept direct calls to action.

The two kinds of people that are the best at creating mass influence through indirect suggestion are politicians, and religious leaders. Most of them aren’t consciously aware of what they’re doing, and that’s ok. You can do these things unconsciously, and it will still help you get the results that you want.

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What Are Adverbial Clauses

An Adverbial Clause is one indirect call to action pattern. Basically, you create a strong assumption through your words that whatever follows an event is going to happen. You do it, however, in a way that doesn’t appear to be a direct command.

Let me give you several examples of an adverbial clause you can use now, to get more money.

After you read this, you’ll immediately feel more confident in your ability to get others to take action…

After you put your name and email in the form, you’ll see a video that will immediately give you power to get money like politicians do…

During the video that you’ll see when you hit the button that says “Get Instant Access” you’ll notice that you are drawn in to my words…

As your bank account starts filling up with direct, 100% commissions, you’ll laugh at how easy it really was…

Before you decide to join, you’ll notice that you always get a certain kind of feeling, and maybe you’re even feeling it now…

Those are just a few examples of adverbial clauses you can use in your marketing, spread out naturally, you’ll find that you become more powerful, persuasive, and that instantly, people like you start to join, automatically.

You may even do that now, by clicking here – if you have the desire.

Assignment to get better at adverbial clauses: What Are Adverbial Clauses

1. Go ahead, and put your name and email in the form on the right side of this blog post.

2. Watch the video that you’ll see after you hit the button that says “Get Instant Access”

3. Make a note of how many times I use an adverbial clause in the video.

4. Buy this $25 blog, and write a blog post about what you learned.

After you follow those four steps, you’ll feel yourself having more confidence and power, and you’ll immediately start to become more persuasive and powerful… automatically.

Watch This Video

So now its your turn...get started with us below today...


-Sharron n Bob

[caption id="attachment_5484" align="aligncenter" width="225"]What Are Adverbial Clauses What Are Adverbial Clauses[/caption]

Empower Network For MLM Pros

P.S. Do leave us your thoughts below about What Are Adverbial Clauses, and tell us how many times Dave used an adverbial clause in the video, that you’re about to see… when you fill in the form now.

What Are Adverbial Clauses home business-success tips

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