Thursday, July 29, 2010

MLM Traffic Formula- "Live the dream event" is LIVE with MLSP - here's the link


Hello Friends,
I'm pumped about this - this is going
to be our first LIVE international
event with MLSP - and Brian, Norbert,
Todd, and myself just put up a 5 video
series here - as a warning, there is
going to be an absolute FLOOD of
people attending this:
I've been in MLSP about 1 month,
and this is one of those things that is
just going to change the game - you're
going to like the training series, too -
this content is rock - solid value.
I'll be emailing some details over the
next couple of days - be on the lookout,
but go to the site right now and watch
video #1 - I'll see you there.

Bob Spiro
508 488 9404
Whitinsville, MA 01588

Providing The Best Industry
Training and Business Building Tools

skype gojikingbob