Saturday, May 15, 2010

what it REALLY takes to succeed online.

In the video below I share what it REALLY takes to succeed online.

We had 3050 people register for the live webinar on Wednesday where I shared this presentation.

It maxed out at 1001 people, and many couldn't join. It was so full it bugged out "Go To Webinar" so I had to completely re-record the entire presentation for those who couldn't get on.

Below is the re-recording.

This presentation will no longer be available to the public after Saturday evening.

If all you have is a wireless Internet connection (or a slow Internet connection), hit play and if you have to... let it load for a while. If you can, plug your computer directly into your Internet for a faster load time.

Do whatever it takes to watch this from beginning to end.

I've given you everything I know.


Mike Klingler

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